Spring fashion

Look for bright blues, greens and oranges

Fairfield Daily Republic ©

Oscar night is just around the corner (Feb. 25), which means upcoming colors and trends will be dictated on the red carpet by big-name actresses.

The biggest fashion night of the year is the perfect setting to let the public into this years styles, especially for those who couldnt attend the spring fashion show in New York, Milan, Paris or London like most of us.

Unfortunately, Im unable to attend the 79th Annual Academy Awards this year due to my hectic work commitments. Actually, Im choosing not to attend under protest. I refuse to watch and support a designers tactic of allowing actresses to borrow their creations for Oscar night just so that a multitude of women can purchase these obscenely, ridiculously high-priced gowns days later.

Plus, I dont think the paper would cover my expenses for the trip.

This spring, fashion is about a simple, cleaner look with more of a modern edge as opposed to the romantic trend.

And its about proportion and shape, meaning tight on the bottom and loose on top, a slimmer silhouette.

'Last fall you saw a lot of bubble skirts and oversized sweaters. For spring, youre looking at more fitted baby dolls and slim bottoms, but not leggings,' said Lea Perez, executive shopper for Macys By Appointment.

As you should see on the red carpet, there will be a lot of bright blues, greens and oranges as well as jewel tones and bold graphic colors.

'We should see a lot of silk, cotton and natural stretch fibers for the spring,' said Jennifer Brown, manager for MBA. 'It will be lighter, of course, in weight as the season goes on toward nicer weather.'

The rule for white, Perez said, is wear it whenever you want, but more so as the weather gets warmer.

'Spring is always about white, such as white bottoms with colored tops,' she said and added you can layer it with red, blue or green.

Special note for women who wear white bottoms: dont wear white underwear. We can see it and it doesnt look good. Wear a natural color beneath so it looks natural. The same goes for a white top, to be worn with a natural-colored bra.

To the dismay of many women, polka dots are still in style and will stay with us like gum on a shoe for a bit because, as Brown explained, the 1980s look is still 'in.'

'I think everyone will have that in their collection,' she said.

Metallics are still going strong, Perez added, with spring jewelry focusing on silver.

'Silver chains, silver hardware, silver on buttons, like Ralph Lauren, and on shoes, too,' Perez said.

'But dont get rid of the gold,' quickly added Brown. 'There are some skin tones that look better with gold, like people who have more yellow in their skin.'

Wedges are coming back as well as the peep-toe shoes, in different and bold colors, not just black or natural. Look for fun styles with added fabric, such as black eyelet and polka dots. Check out Nine West shoes.

Of course, boots are always in, no matter what season.

Your wardrobe should have some key pieces, added Brown and Perez, such as a white jacket, city shorts (find the right cut that lengthens your leg), a cute camisole, and wedge shoes.

Second note for women who wear white shoes: its OK to wear them, just make sure theyre not dirty. We can see it in a heartbeat.

Last note to all women: vendors use different guides for sizes. One vendor could use 'vanity sizing,' meaning your normal size 8 will be a size 6 with that designer, while others may do the reverse. There are designers who will change their fit each season, so try on everything youre about to buy to ensure you get the right size.