Adult humor

Fans know Bruce Bruce from BET, Popeye's Chicken

Fairfield Daily Republic ©

FAIRFIELD - After having a jaw-dropping conversation with Bruce Bruce, it's apparent this comedian is unique.

Take aside his humble attitude, velour voice or myriad Hollywood contacts only to find a guy who says exactly what's on his mind - very refreshing and raw, to say the least.

He's comedian Bruce Bruce, no last name for this interview, known for his adult comedy and then some. He recently appeared in the "Salt Shaker" video with the Ying Yang twins, will appear alongside Larry the Cable Guy in the March release of Paramount's film, "Health Inspector," and is the spokesperson for Popeye's Chicken & Biscuits.

He was also seen in the film "XXX: State of the Union" with Ice Cube, "The Wash" with Snoop Dog and Dr. Dre and is a fixture on BET and Comedy Central. Add to that palette his appearance at Pepper Belly's Comedy & Variety Theatre today through Sunday.

Bruce Bruce is also the author of his biography "Baby James Brown," a story of his upbringing and a candid peek into his life. Something like the following interview.

You just came out with an autobiography. Don't you think it's kind of early in your career to have one?

I just wanted people to know a little bit about me, my lifestyle growing up. I do want to write one about my road trips, though. But this one is when I started acting stupid as a child and my mom had to beat me.
Did she really?

No. But I think she was a kickboxer.

Now that you brought it up, were you hit?

No. My uncle never hit me either. He just makes me feel worse. Like when I was young, I had to wear glasses but I refused. So one day I stood by my uncle and he told me to close my eyes. Then he asked, "What do you see?" I said, "Nothing." He said, "That's exactly what you're gonna see if you don't wear glasses!"

He never raised a hand at me. He used psychology instead.

You know, I just got checked for prostate cancer. I do that every year.

Oh, how did that go?

She asked me, "Can you feel that?" Feel that? I couldn't see! Her finger felt like a tree branch!

Let's get back to your autobiography. Do you reveal any secrets?

No, not in this one. And I told you the other one for the next book (which was edited out).

As for movies, what will we see you in next?

I finished "Health Inspector" with Larry the Cable Guy. He really wanted me. He kind of has the main stream audience, but not only the rednecks. He has mostly the white and I have the blacks.

How was it working with him?

He was cool, he wasn't an ass. He's a good guy.

Were you able to work behind the camera?

Very much so, but I'd rather be in front of the camera. Working behind is too tedious.

You seem to be doing more film these days. Is that where you'd like your career to go?

I do. Film and TV are the main things I want to do.


I think I'd be good for TV and it pays more. This year, I'm gonna get me a show. We'll do the deal before the end of the year. That's my goal.

You've done several projects at BET (Black Entertainment Television). How has that been?

A lot of people have things to say about BET but I had a very good experience. I did a 10th anniversary in New Orleans and it was the best season they ever had. And the reason is because I'm a good host. I'm rich in personality and I love people and making them laugh.

What propelled you to do comedy?

Every time I worked I told jokes. I worked for Frito Lays and one day I was on the dock imitating every boss we had. One of the good ol' boys working there for 27 years said, "I gotta tell you, you need to go on TV." So I did.

Is there an actor who's stood out for you?

Denzel Washington. He's really cool. I met him one time and I said, "My name is . . . " He said, "Yeah, Bruce. Everyone knows you."

I saw you dancing on the Ying Yang Twins video. How did that come about?

We home boys, we gotta stick together. We're from A-T-L (Atlanta, Georgia), everyone in the south looks out for each other. Too Short, a rapper, started this when he made a song called "Shake that Monkey." It was a strip club song and he put my name in the song. I'm his boy. Then Ying Yang came along and added me to their song.

Did they tell you what to do or did you just get in front of the camera and dance?

Yeah, they told me what to do, like, "Bruce, leap over the hood, dive and start dancing." That's what I did.

Did you hang out with the gal you were dancing with after the shoot?

Nah, I'm very attachable, women get attached to me and then one thing leads to another. I don't have the time for that.

What about Popeye's Chicken & Biscuit? Do you really like their chicken?

Yeah, I do. I'd get it every day, but not that often (laughs).

Do you get it for free?

I got it free last year, but not this one. I don't know . . .

What makes you unique?

I'm different. I don't use other people's material. I have my own style and it's a good style.

Where do you see yourself five years from now?

Doing a sitcom of my own, making a lot of money, living a healthy life, just being a player.


I have pimp tendencies.

Who is Bruce Bruce?

The man who'll make you laugh. Someone who won't disrespect you or be rude to you. My comedy has no color. It doesn't matter what the color, I make them laugh.

A message to your fans?

Come out and see the show, have a good time and buy plenty of Bruce Bruce material.